很感恩,我big day帶起日子找到Billy 幫手做司儀. 由第一次見面傾流程嗰陣時已經覺得佢係一個好和善好值得信任嘅人.佢會好細心聆聽我哋嘅相識經過.亦都喺婚禮流程比好多意見.
big day嗰日,更加突顯到去轉數好快.
我所有親戚同兄弟姊妹團體都對Billy 讚不絕口.
Janice & Clarence
Billy由前期籌備到Big day嗰日都比咗好多專業意見我哋兩個,Big day當日亦都臨場幫我哋KO咗好多奇難雜症,真係全靠依位世一MC, 成個婚禮先可以咁順利,唔係淨係我哋兩個覺得Billy好,嗰日好多親朋好友都大讚Billy非常出色! Million Thanks to Billy
因為朋友的婚禮所以認識Billy一早就send定好多流程既準備功夫比我地,等我地有清晰方向去準備婚禮♀️ 佢既控場能力真係100分我自己都亂既時候佢仲可以叫我深呼吸~等佢黎呢個太深刻
Ken C.
高度推薦Miss Suki既MC服務,Big day前婚禮司儀Billy已經好好甘幫我地Plan Rundown,同兄弟姐妹一齊開會,研究當日既宴會流程,到Big day果日氣氛Hold得好好,冇甩漏,賓客都有讚揚婚禮司儀服務專業
Krystal L.
Rony係一個非常專業的司儀,婚禮前佢會根據我同我老公的戀愛過程私人定制一份講稿,佢的真誠令我覺得好感動。Big day當日Rony會帶動起現場的氣氛,我的fd都讚佢大方得黎又帶D活潑。
Coco S.
好感恩可以搵到Rony做我的司儀,由婚禮籌備到Big day當日佢都俾咗好多專業意見我同我老公,服務態度非常好,婚禮進行順利,絕無冷場時刻,極力推薦。
Mickey M.
Tim W.
多謝Jimmy 擔任我地婚禮既MC~一年前已經搵Jimmy, 果陣都無諗到有咁多突發事情發生, 直到呢幾星期 因為疫情問題 每日都有變動, 好彩有Jimmy陪我地去諗去度,直頭做埋Wedding planner既角色~
Jimmy係非常有禮貌、認真、盡責、專業、用心、體貼既婚禮司儀,我地Big day當日 佢特登提早到場 幫我地同場地、律師、攝影師、兄弟姊妹、屋企人溝通清楚,打點一切亦會主動同新人匯報最新情況,令我地可以好安心盡情享受做一天主角。♀️♂️好彩有佢陪我地打點一切,令我地之後既證婚儀式同午宴都可以順利進行。
而且Jimmy 係做MC既過程中,除左佢一貫既風趣幽默同深情演繹成長片段旁白外,Jimmy亦會主動同我地及其他屋企人閒談,令大家可以係輕鬆愉快既氣氛下享受呢個婚禮既一切。
所以,我地好好彩一年前已經mark定左Jimmy 亦會推薦比更多朋友兄弟姊妹
祝你長做長有,希望之後出席其他人婚禮場場都會見到你啦 加油!!!
Kit W.
Jimmy 你好呀 過左幾日先有時間比返個msg你 多謝你得一個星期時間準備都肯接我地單Job 雖然時間好短 但你都用心幫我地計劃成個婚禮既流程 仲有成長片段既旁白 我啲朋友個個都話idea好好 而且你把聲好好聽 仲有個個小驚喜係鋪排上處理得好好,真係好多謝你個日既幫忙呀❤️❤️❤️令到我地兩個有一個難忙的婚禮 多謝你呀
Queenie C.
Jimmy ,
You are the best MC !!! We are so lucky having you for our wedding party .
因為疫情, 一改再改, 你不但無條件咁配合我地, 而且仲不停協助我地渡過每一個難關, 感恩有你幫助!
Ben M.
highly recommended! thank you!
Kwan L.
If you're hoping to actually enjoy your own wedding and have fun, Jimmy is the guy who can make this happen, and execute what you have planned for the night in the best way possible.
Jimmy has been so organized, pleasant and helpful since our first consultation meeting. He has a lot of ideas, templates and tools to share, which made it really easy for us to follow and leverage.
Throughout the 2 weeks of wedding planning (yes we only had 2 weeks!), Jimmy has put a lot of effort in familiarizing himself with the ever-changing rundown, making sure the rundown works for all parties, and even had time to memorize our "love story" and the tidbits so he could include that into his script for the night! He knew the entire rundown inside out and there was no surprise that he could not handle!
And when it comes to the night of the banquet, we were absolutely blown away by Jimmy's work. The entire atmosphere and timing were so perfect. He was more than an MC for the night - he was the welcoming party, the "Chinese bridal chaperone", the banquet coordinator, wedding party assistant, etc. It is clear that Jimmy put in a lot of preparation and thoughts into the rundown.
The one thing we absolutely like about Jimmy is that he is very professional. Our guests come from diverse backgrounds, and it is important that the MC is reliable, humorous yet appropriate to make sure they all feel comfortable.
Thank you so much Jimmy for a memorable and enjoyable evening!
Nana C.